Attendance and Absences


We are very proud of our excellent attendance records at Stanley Park Junior School. 

Regular attendance and good punctuality at school are legal requirements which have a significant impact on your child’s learning and are essential for children to access a broad, balanced curriculum and to exceed their potential.

At Stanley Park Junior School we expect excellent attendance. Ideally, children should be in school, on time, 100% of the time. This is essential if pupils are to take full advantage of the range of opportunities that school offers and gain the skills that will equip them for their next stage of education and for adult life. Good attendance is classed as 97% or above. 

We closely monitor each child's attendance.

Attendance Action

Above 97%

Children will receive a certificate for outstanding attendance at the end of each term.

Below 95%

Parents/carers will receive an attendance letter. The child's attendance will be closely monitored by a member of the Senior Leadership Team, with possible intervention of the Education Welfare Officer.

Below 90%

Parents/carers will receive an attendance letter saying their child is classes as a persistent absentee. Guaranteed involvement of the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer if there fails to be improvement.

If a child’s attendance and / or punctuality presents a concern, school staff will investigate and provide support, ultimately we may also seek support from the Local Authority Educational Attendance Welfare Officer .  Sometimes a child can be reluctant to come to school. If this is the case, the child’s class teacher should be informed as soon as possible. We will always help support families with strategies to improve their child's attendance.    


Our Local Authority Attendance Officer monitors our levels of absence and lateness very closely. Parents may be called in for a formal meeting if their children are persistently late for school, if they have a particularly poor level of attendance, or if a child’s absence has not been authorised by the Headteacher.

Under current legislation, a penalty notice may be issued to any parent who fails to ensure  their children’s regular attendance at school. Parents must pay £60 (if the penalty is paid within 21 days); or £120 (if it is paid within 28 days).


Being late adds up to a loss of learning.

In the interests of your child’s education the school monitors lateness.  Please ensure that your child arrives at school with plenty of time.  

  • Y3/4 should be in school for 8.40am
  • Y5/6 should be in school for 8.45am

Punctuality is very important as it can be distressing for your child if they miss important information which is given at the beginning of the school day. They may also miss early morning revision and information about their homework. 

All children arriving 10 mins after the times above must sign in at the school office.   This is extremely important as your child’s class teacher must know they have been registered for safeguarding purposes.


If your child is not well enough to attend school, you should inform the school by telephone or  e-mail on each day of their absence before 9.00am and confirm the reason for absence in order for attendance records to be updated.  If your child has been sick or has had diarrhoea, then they should not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.  

If a child is likely to be absent for longer periods of time (greater than 3 days),  then the school may request that the parent provide medical evidence from a doctor/GP. Medical evidence may also be requested if your child’s overall attendance is less than 90% and further periods of illness occur.



Parents/carers must not arrange family holidays during term time. If a holiday has been arranged it is essential that you inform the Headteacher at your earliest opportunity so that your child’s attendance record can be coded correctly. This should be done via email/letter  for the attention of the Headteacher  with the subject title "Holiday leave of absence during term time".  


We do not encourage children to be taken out of school for appointments during the day. However, if you have no alternative, please email the school office or write a note in your child’s Home-school book. Proof of your appointment will be required. This can be in the form of a letter/email/screenshot of a text confirmation etc.  Your child will need to be collected from the school office where they will be signed in/out 


If you would like to request leave of absence for your child for any other speciall circumstances (e.g: family funeral, religious observance,  or an interview at another school),  you should write to the Headteacher, or send an email to  detailing the situation. Absences will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.