Music: Instrumental Lessons at SPJS

We are pleased to welcome into our school a large number of music teachers  to offer lessons in piano, brass, strings, percussion, drums and woodwind instruments. The children are encouraged to showcase their talents uring our annual music evenings. In addition to this, all children will learn to read music and play the ukulele as part of the "Wider Opportunities" programme. Opportunities to showcase their music talents are provided through Music Concerts, class performances and year group presentations.

Click here if you would like to find out more about music lessons at Stanley Park Junior School

Instruments can be hired from the Sutton Music Trust

If you would like your child to have peripatetic music lessons but need help with funding, Sutton Music Trust may be able to help. Further details can be found here. They are also able to help with the cost of instrument hire, for further information click here. Alternatively, you may wish to speak to our Headteacher Mrs Lamy in confidence.