Head Boy, Head Girl & Prefects

Head Boy & Head Girl

Every year at SPJS we appoint a Head Boy and a Head Girl. The Staff aim to choose two pupils who exemplify our Mission and Aims statement, showing that they are “successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens with a sense of pride in everything they do”.

In order to be selected, they will need to have shown that during their time at SPJS, they have contributed to a variety of different aspects of school life, are very reliable and helpful and always put in a lot of effort into their learning. We would like them to be excellent role models for all pupils in our school.

Responsibilities of the Head Boy & Head Girl will include:

  • Being ambassadors for the school
  • Speaking to visitors and answering any questions they may have about life at SPJS
  • Sharing their experiences of SPJS with the children in the Infants’ school
  • Monitoring the roles of the year 6 prefects
  • Working with the school council to ensure that the pupils of SPJS have a voice
  •  Meeting with the year 6 Leader and Headteacher regularly to discuss current issues/developments.


In Year 6 we like to encourage our pupils to take on different areas of responsibility. Each prefect is assigned a different role and reports to a member of staff to understand and fulfil their duties. The children learn how to work as part of a team, help others, and they develop empathy skills whilst working with younger children.

The role of the prefect is central to Stanley Park Junior School and Year 6's sense of pride. Without the prefects, the school wouldn't run as smoothly as it does!

Some of the important jobs which our prefects undertake are listed below:

  • Delivering the registers to the classes for registration
  • Year 3 reading mentors
  • Library monitors
  • Maths prefects
  • Door and corridor monitors
  • Selling fruit in the playground
  • Acting as wet break prefects to help supervise younger children in their classes.
  • Assisting the staff at lunchtime - particularly the office staff and the Headteacher!