
“We especially need imagination in science. Question everything." Maria Mitchell


At Stanley Park Junior School, we recognise the important role science plays in our everyday lives, today and for the future. Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them and we strive to develop skills associated with scientific enquiry in order to foster these interests. These include questioning, research, observation, discussion and evaluation.

Our science lessons involve children getting hands-on with experiments and investigations to ensure they are not only fulfilling their own curiosities and questions, but also enjoying their learning and increasing their enthusiasm for the subject and their own findings. The children are constantly encouraged to use scientific vocabulary that has been built upon as topics are revisited during their primary school experience. This increases their confidence and prepares them for their next stage of education and life experiences.

All children will have equal opportunity to reach their full potential across the science curriculum regardless of their race, gender, cultural background, ability or of any physical or sensory disability.


Teachers have a positive attitude towards science and reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in science. Within our school, science is taught on a problem-solving basis and scientific enquiry skills permeate through our topics. Children are encouraged to use these skills by researching and discovering answers. Teachers use precise questioning in class to test substantive knowledge and assess pupils regularly to identify gaps in learning.

We build upon knowledge learnt in previous years by ensuring children have the opportunity to revisit prior topics. This is achieved through quizzes, discussions and visuals. As children move through the school and learn to ‘Become a Scientist’, they will be building on the disciplinary knowledge. This is through conducting investigations, selecting appropriate equipment, growing in confidence to create predictions. This will then link to the children’s conclusions, which is based on real evidence.

Children are offered a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities within school. These can include Science Week, nature walks, visiting Museums and trips to the school allotment. These trips are purposeful and link to the National Curriculum objectives, as well as giving children real world and hands-on experiences.


Our approach to science at Stanley Park Junior School prepares our children with the foundations and knowledge for understanding the world around them. Their curiosity and engaging mind prepares them for asking and answering questions as they head into the wider world. Children have many opportunities to learn through first hand experiences, preparing them for the next stage of life. Through workshops, interactions with visitors and trips, children have the understanding of how science has helped to change and shape the world we live in today.

As these children are growing up in an ever-changing world, we ensure they are exposed to the career opportunities within STEM as well as positive role models within the field. We endeavour to ensure our children leave SPJS, motivated learners with sound scientific understanding. 

Subject Leader: Sally Barney

If you would like more information about how this subject is taught, please contact the subject leader by emailing the school office at