SEND Support During Home Learning

This page provides more personalised learning for our children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) during periods of home learning/remote learning. Any parents are welcome to use the resources on this page but they are provided to support parents whose children have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) or a support plan.
Please click on the links below to access resources for different aspects of SEND.
If parents need any support regarding SEND and Home Learning, or have any questions, please get in touch with our school SENDCO Mrs Quigley by emailing or

Alternatively call the school on 0286477497 and speak to Mrs Burridge/Mrs Lamy.

Keeping a routine

We have suggested a good timetable below which we feel would be helpful. There are some ideas included in the routine that will keep your children occupied during any lengthy school closure. In school, we find that having a routine in place helps to reduce children's worries and it helps them to manage their behaviour as they have clear expectations. Providing them with a visual of what the day has in store also helps them to know what is happening, and in turn reduces any worries.