What's On This Term

Please see the timetable below for the clubs which are available this term. To apply, please follow the link to the Google Form which has been sent to you via ParentPay. The link will no longer be accessble after the deadline (ie: no late applications will be accepted).

Please see the bottom of this page for clubs run by other organisations.

Allocation of Places

Places will be allocated as fairly as we can taking into consideration the number of clubs you have applied for. It is not first come first served.  (The exceptions to this are sports clubs where children have been working together and competing in teams against other schools. eg netball).

How to Pay

  • The cost of after-school clubs run by members of SPJS staff will be £25.00 per child per term. (£12.50 for children eligible for means tested free school meals).
  • Homework club is free of charge for all.
  • We will send you an email to confirm whether or not your child has been allocated a place and we will let you know when the payment is due.
  • If payment is not made by the due date, we will assume that you no longer require the place and it may be offered to another child.
  • Unfortunately, we will be unable to make any refunds if you or your child subsequently decides that they will no longer be attending a club, or if any sessions are missed or cancelled.

Terms & Conditions

By completing the Google Form to apply for a club you agree to the following terms & conditions:

  • Your child must attend the club every week throughout the term.
  • If there is a specific reason that your child will not be able to attend, you must inform the school office beforehand.
  • If your child fails to turn up on two separate occasions without prior notification, then they will no longer be able to participate in the club.
  • Registers are taken at all our after school clubs. If your child is expected at a club but does not turn up, we will call all the contact numbers that we have, so please ensure that the contact details we hold for you are up to date.
  • If we are unable to make contact, have checked all club registers, searched the building and are still unable to locate your child, then our next course of action will have to be to contact the police, since your child would be deemed a “missing person”.

Lunch-time clubs

There is no payment required for lunch-time clubs, however you will still need to complete the Google Form to apply for a place and children will be expected to attend each week if they are allocated a place.

Club information for Spring Term 2025

Clubs run by other organisations - Spring 2025

Clubs which are run by outside organisation have their own application process. Please complete the relevant form if you wish to apply for one of the following clubs: