Year 4

Year 4 teachers and teaching assistants plan together to ensure consistency and challenge across the year group.

Teaching StaffSenior Teaching Assistants
Mr R Sewell 4S Mrs A Coleman
                               Mrs E Gould/Mrs C Thompson (1st term)                                    Mrs W Dixon/Mrs C Thompson (2nd/3rd terms) 4P Mrs R Nandula
Mr A Try 4J Mrs Y Gale
  • By Year 4 your child will be aware of expectations of them as junior pupils and be secure in their knowledge of routines.
  • They will be encouraged to take greater responsibility for their possessions, recording their homework, and managing their time.
  • Children are encouraged to develop their own lines of enquiry into topics which interest them.
  • We help them to develop the skills to enable the children to tackle a variety of different problems in different areas of the curriculum.
  • Children are encouraged to take risks with their learning and be prepared to learn from their mistakes.
  • We continue to nurture a love of books.
  • Year 4 is also an important year to consolidate maths facts e.g: times tables, number bonds and doubling .Your help in reinforcing these either at home with your own child, or if you can spare the time at school, is invaluable.