Year 6

Teaching StaffSenior Teaching Assistants
Mrs N Baughan 6S Ms S Foulsham
Mrs S Barney 6P  Mrs R Poulton
Miss Powell 6J Miss J Clare

Year 6 teachers and teaching assistants plan together to ensure consistency and challenge across the year group.

  • In year 6 we expect the children to take on a more active role in school life by becoming sports leaders, mini mentors and/or a prefect.
  • We expect them to be positive role models for the younger children.
  • We help to prepare them for their move to High School and for sitting the National Key Stage 2 SATS tests.
  • Learning from each other, working hard and having a Sense of Pride in all that we do encourages children to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens who have a life long love of learning.